ARTEX GALLERY, in FLORENCE (ITALY), Fortezza da Basso, 24th April-1st May

Posted on May 1, 2014 in Exhibitions


A few images from ‘IL VASO DELL’ANIMA’ ceramics and paintings by Edi and Sarah Miatt, till june 30th at Hotel Planet, Rigutino Est (Ar)

Posted on April 20, 2014 in Exhibitions



Posted on April 20, 2014 in Exhibitions

”IL VASO DELL’ANIMA”, Rigutino Est (AREZZO-ITALY), Hotel Planet, paintings and ceramics, till june the 30th.

SEGNI, SOGNI, FORME, Anghiari (AR-ITALY), Palazzo Museo Taglieschi, a dialogue between contemporary ceramic and history, with works of  Mirco Denicolo’, Tonina Cecchetti, Rita Miranda, Fanette Cardinali, Elena Merendelli , Regine Leug, Luca Leandri, Edi Magi.

‘I MESTIERI DELL’ARTE’ group exhibition, Anghiari(Ar) Palazzo Testi from the 25 of April, till May the 4th

FIRENZE, Fortezza da Basso, Galleria Artex, Pad. Canaviglia, 24th April-1st May

AREZZO,”FIL ROUGE”:  May 22nd-june 2nd group exhibition at ATRIO D’ONORE DELLA PROVINCIA, Via Ricasoli

‘LA TASTIERA INTERROTTA’ till june the 2nd at Museo Palazzo Taglieschi, Anghiari (Arezzo-Italy)

Posted on April 20, 2014 in Exhibitions

“SEGNI SOGNI FORME, Fil Rouge fra Storia e Materia” Museo Taglieschi, Anghiari (AR) Italy

Posted on April 6, 2014 in Exhibitions

ceramica contemporanea

Opening 19th April at 11,00 a.m.

19th of April – 2nd of June

Comtemporary Ceramic

‘ IL VASO DELL’ANIMA ‘ an exhibition of paintings by Sarah Miatt and ceramics by Edi Magi.

Posted on March 27, 2014 in Exhibitions

29th of March – 30th of june.

Private view on saturday 29th March from 5 p.m.


Via Umbro Casentinese, loc Rigutino (Ar)