A few images from: ‘Universo Ceramica’, Group exhibition in Citerna (PG), Italy
“PAPAVERI E CEMENTO” created for UNIVERSO CERAMICA at ‘Sala degli Ammassi’
Ceramic artists exhibiting together with Edi
‘UNIVERSO CERAMICA’, Sala degli Ammassi,
in the historical centre of Citerna (Perugia),
from the 29 of june to the 7th of july.
Edi will present: ‘Papaveri e Cemento’ inspired by a poem by Daniela Calzoni
‘Eros e Natura’ Atrio D’Onore of the Province of Arezzo, 11th-26th of may
Group exhibition of the “Cenacolo degli artisti aretini”
‘I Mestieri dell’Arte’, April-May 2013 in Anghiari (Arezzo) Italy
cell phone spying
Group Exhibition in the medieval town of Anghiari, one of the most beautiful in Tuscany
In Florence, April 2013, Fortezza Da Basso
‘Experience and Research’ presents the works of artist who create one-off pieces or limited
essays cheap
edition, frequently numbered, and who pursue the path of tireless experimentation.