As- Tratto: Group exhibition, Sculpture and Painting

Posted on October 14, 2018 in Exhibitions


A few photos from ESPHEMERAL SEA, art exhibition in Marina di Scarlino (Grosseto-Tuscany) till September . A tribute to both the power and the fragility of the sea, to the beauty of its constant change…

Posted on June 24, 2018 in Exhibitions

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‘Paesaggio Ferito’ : ceramic sculpture selected for the International Ceramic Biennale at the Ceramic Museum of Ascoli Piceno, inspired by the tragic earthquakes in Central Italy (2016-2017)

Posted on June 18, 2018 in Exhibitions

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Exhibited  at ‘Museo della Ceramica’ in Ascoli Piceno till December 2018

Next Events May-June

Posted on March 25, 2018 in Exhibitions

1. ARTIQUARIA in Arezzo Palazzo Guazzesi 24/05-06/06

2. Ceramic International Competition at Ascoli Piceno Ceramic Museum from may the 1st till December

3. ESPHEMERAL SEA, from June till September at Marina di Scarlino in Tuscany

4. International Ceramic Market in Cecina (Tuscany) 25-26 of May

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Travelling from the Andes to the Appennines

Posted on November 29, 2017 in Exhibitions

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International Pottery Market. Florence, 7-8 October

Posted on October 13, 2017 in Exhibitions

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